RIMS Set Theory Workshop 2023
Large Cardinals and the Continuum

In-person meeting at RIMS, Kyoto University
Online meeting via Zoom

Dates: Tue 24 Oct to Fri 27 Oct, 2023


RIMS Set Theory Workshop is an annual set theory workshop held at RIMS (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences), Kyoto University, Japan. It aims to bring together researchers in Set Theory from Japan and abroad and to foster research exchanges.

This year's workshop will be held in a hybrid format of in-person at RIMS, Kyoto University, and online via Zoom.

We look forward to meet you all in Kyoto (or maybe online.)


The workshop will include a series of lectures by Prof. Joan Bagaria from Barcelona. (abstract)

Contributed Talks

(Last Update: Wed Nov 8, 2023)

PDF version of Program and Abstracts

Supported by

Past years' workshops:

Call for Contribution (closed)

We encourage both young researchers and experts to contribute with talks.

If you would like to give a talk at the workshop, please let us know by Fri 8 Sep, via Email to the organizer (see below).

Any topics in Set Theory and relevant areas are welcome. Both in-person talks at RIMS and online talks via Zoom are welcome.

Call for Participation (closed)

If you would like to participate in-person (at RIMS), please let us know by Fri 29 Sep, via Email to the organizer (see below).

If you would like to participate online (via Zoom), please let us know by Fri 15 Oct, via Email to the organizer (see below).


Organizer: Hiroshi Fujita, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama, 790-8577 Japan.

here's my email address
Email: fujita(dot)hiroshi(dot)mh(at)ehime-u(dot)ac(dot)jp